• 대전광역시 유성구 대덕대로 582
  • 504호 (도룡동, 옥토빌딩)
  • 전화번호 042)825-6820 팩스 : 042)825-6839



* Pradator Ⅱ ROV

* 제품상세보기

- The ROV uses the latest technology for maximum operating efficiency in marine operations. Reliability has always been foremost in the development of the ROV package and with the inclusion of a network control system and a comprehensive diagnostics system, the functional design will assure continuous performance in all operations.

- 300m depth-rated vehicle
- Cable reel and 10m deck lead
- Ruggedised hand controller
- 300m umbilical (up to 450m)
- Ruggedised topside and power supply
- SeeByte’s SeeTrack CoPilot
- Portable system
- Sophisticated diagnostics
- High performance and reliability
- Forward thrust 45Kg

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